Industrial heritage

Hello Community!

I am very happy to share with you one of my first and dearest project, back to a few years ago.  

Industrial architecture represents a large slice of the heritage of our cities and deserves more attention. It's potential is enormous, with endless possibilities!
Every layer of our history is important and must be valued. 

I hope you enjoy my Italian-Brazilian project.


O apito em novo tom. Il fischio in un nuovo tono. Proposta di riqualificazione del complesso industriale dell’antica "Companhia Fiação e Tecelagem São Pedro".

The whistle on a new tone. Redevelopment of the industrial complex of the ancient “Companhia Fiação and Tecelagem São Pedro”.


Doppia laurea Politecnico di Torino (Polito) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp)

Master of Architecture (M.Arch.) Final Project (2014)

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