Introduction to Community

Dear Sir/Madam,


At Upbore, we strive to move the construction industry forward and support its growth by implementing innovation. Our goal is to give freelancers, students, universities, organizations, companies the opportunity to share news on their projects, products, achievements, team and get visibility on the amazing things happening in the construction industry.


This includes:

- Exciting projects or competitions being done by universities, companies, and governments.

- Any upcoming events, whether live or virtual.

- Exciting and trending products, how they are being used and how they have improved the processes in the industry.

- Inspiring and innovating designs; what is trending, what the future is looking like, etc.

- New technology and how it's impacting the industry.

- Connecting the commercial side with the academic side of the industry.

- Allowing companies, freelancers, universities, and students to participate in the conversations.


We would be proud to have you with us and join the community and to learn more about you!


Kind regards,


UPBORE - Complexity delivered in simplicity.


Welcome to the UPBORE Community! A social platform to talk about all things construction trending in the world. Post news about your work, your company news, your company events, projects, use of products, innovation in construction...
